fezzan university
- The university is considered a scientific and social institution established by society to serve some of its purposes. The relationship between university education and culture requires it to be closely related to people's lives, problems, and aspirations so that its first goal is to develop the community and advance it to the best technical, economic, health, and social levels.
- Achieving these general principles depends on making Fezzan University a scientific and social institution whose goal is to educate and advance the individual through education within the institution and through service to the local and national community, through the quality of its outputs from its students, its various sciences, and its research studies, and working diligently to make it at the forefront of educational and pedagogical institutions in the country. Innovation, research, and knowledge renewal

أ.د.المهدي ميلاد الجدي

Leadership in scientific research, education, and community service, achieving excellence locally, regionally, and globally.
Creating a stimulating and creative learning and research environment that encourages creativity, innovation, and the search for knowledge, in which students, faculty members, and administrators achieve their highest ambitions through freedom of thought, scientific research, and academic excellence
Fezzan University is also committed to preparing competent graduates capable of meeting the social and economic needs of society, to contribute effectively to developing and building the future of their country, by providing high-quality academic programs for undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education.
- Preparing competent graduates capable of meeting the social and economic needs of society.
- Adopting effective learning to provide a distinguished education, enable university students to acquire intellectual and professional skills during their academic lives, and contribute to supporting society by graduating with specialist competencies in various sciences The university graduate is appreciated and trusted by society and is given priority in job opportunities.
- Providing a comprehensive framework for quality assurance and enhancing quality applications
- Developing the capabilities of faculty members by participating in conferences, seminars, and specialized courses, and attracting distinguished faculty members with a high level of knowledge and skills, so that the university will be able to fulfill its role in the movement to build society and keep pace with the progress of science, technology, and human civilization.
- Developing scientific and knowledge relations with Libyan, regional, and international universities
- We are working diligently to put Fezzan University at the forefront of educational and pedagogical institutions in innovation, research, and knowledge renewal by preparing scientific, technical, and administrative studies and consultations for the public and private sectors and establishing partnerships with them.
- Developing scientific research and postgraduate studies in various specialisations to improve the quality of the university’s outputs and reach the highest levels in the classification ladder of local and international universities
- Enhancing the spirit of belonging and pride in the university among its faculty members, employees, students, and graduates and taking pride in it
- The university's openness to society, dealing with its various productive and service institutions and bodies, and monitoring its need for specialised cadres Interacting with its issues, being proactive in anticipating its problems, and working to provide scientific solutions to them
- Developing the university’s own financial resources
- Fezzan University is committed to disseminating knowledge outside the walls of the university in order to bring about behavioural and developmental changes in the environment surrounding the university and its various productive and social units, to make Fezzan University in its local communities a centre of cultural radiance and a mature driving force towards progress and prosperity, and to play the role of awareness and education for the community.
وبذلك تكون جامعة فزان
(جامعة تقود المجتمع لا ان تتبعة توثر فية لا ان يؤثر عليها)
قيم جامعة فزان:
- دعم الابداع والتجديد وروح المبادرة.
- الالتزام الدائم بتحسين الجودة.
- الشفافية والنزاهة والعدالة وتكافؤ الفرص.
- القيادة والعمل الجماعى بروح الفريق.
- ادارة حكيمة للموارد والبنية التحتية.